When you open the main page of the demo, your browser sends several HTTP requests to the demo’s server automatically.

These are just a handful of the many use cases where fingerprinting can uniquely identify devices, even as other methods fail.

IE Browser is zooming page automatically and has to be manually unzoomed. This function is mostly required to give web pages an app experience. This stops chrome from zooming automatically.
return false } document.oncontextmenu = function () I am using this code for disabling pinch and double tap zoom on windows tablet, I.E 10 To Zoom In or Out in Microsoft Edge in More Actions.
In this article I will explain how to Zoom in and Zoom out Text (Change Text size) using JavaScript and jQuery. The only new code is that we added the value maximum-scale=1 to the meta content attribute. Start typing javascript, select Disable JavaScript, and then press Enter to run the command. For this i have to stop all below way of zooming the browser window. I've tried different ways of blocking scrolling when the arrow keys are pressed, both jQuery and native Javascript - they all work fine in Firefox, but don't work in recent versions of Chrome.

Below the disable button, you'll see 'Block' and 'Allow.'. Given below code in Java script that will disable the working of Back button in Browser. Disable pinch to zoom in IE10 (2) For me this CSS code work. Acemaker, Feb 28, 2022, in forum: Android Devices. On the Security tab, you should choose JavaScript and click on it. Avoid Calling window.open in Async Functions. You can also open the command palette by clicking the three-dots icon next to the cog icon, and choosing the "Run command" option. how to disable foreign key constraint in postgresql TypeError: Cannot read property 'version' of undefined rabbitmq docker can access website Below are the steps that can help you disabling JavaScript in Chrome: Launch a webpage for which you need to disable JavaScript. By how to disable browser zoom in javascriptĢ Accessing a variable outside of a javascript function? If you didn't set the desired zoom level in step 1 or want to change it in the registry later, use these steps: 6.